Conscious Presence at Solstice




Hold the vigil.

Hold the Space.

Attune wherever you are

to the Higher Octave…

with your

Conscious Presence.

Your sacred-yes to

Spirit’s assignment:

Holding the Space…


the Sacred Vibration…

for the good of all..

is your Work…

“Work is Love Made Visible” ~Kahlil Gibran


These are wild times. My instinct has been to turn away from the din and seek a higher and deeper sources of wisdom – to look to the stars and the bones. When I tune in I hear: “Focus on presence.”


This is what my guidance has been telling me, on repeat, for a while now. Attend to state of being. Pay attention to being before doing. All else flows from presence. It’s not new. It’s more urgent. I’ve been sharing this with clients and students.


I am asked: What does it mean to be present? While I’m no expert, I can share my personal experience of it.


For me, it begins with pulling my conscious awareness into my body. How do I do this? I start with deep breathing – taking long, slow, deep breaths and bringing my mind into my body. I scan my body to locate sensations in it. I inquire into my own emotional state. I ask myself: How do I feel? and, What am I feeling in my body? Am I holding any stress or emotions in my body? And then I listen. I feel. And I keep breathing deep.


This simple routine, that can take as little as five minutes, helps bring me into a state of presence. Once I’m in my body and heart – and only then – I begin working with my imagination to ground myself into the earth (see easy grounding meditation at the end of this post for instructions). Or, better yet, I go outdoors and stand barefoot (ideally) on the earth and imagine my energy roots connecting into Mother Earth.


For me, it feels like dropping down from ego, personae, complexes, from external situations, interactions, etc., and connecting to soul. Personal soul and world soul. Soul knows presence. Soul knows the bigger picture and the way forward through the unknown.


I get asked, what is soul? I like this description of soul from The Soul’s Palette by Cathy Malchiodi:


“Soul is, in a sense, the summation of the self, reflecting body and mind, ideas and perceptions, spirit and the world…It is the essence that signals us when we are not true to ourselves or when we have forgotten life’s purpose because of trauma, emotional loss, physical illness, or unsatisfying relationship… It is the part of us that helps us feel alive, reach down to the bones and awaken us… It is the center of our beings and connects us to other individuals, communities, nature, the divine. Its essence has no boundaries.”


Today is Winter Solstice, in the Northern Hemisphere. It’s time to enter into the stillness of soul, to journey into the darkness of the long night, to bring back the light, to illuminate the path for self and others. This is what my guidance says.  Solstice brings the invitation to grow still, to grow quite, to go within and tend the inner spark and then bring that spark back into the world.


Sending wishes of Peace and Love to All this solstice and holiday season!





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