Art (&Life) on its Own Time

Instruct MaskOne of the things I find mysterious and fascinating about creative work (of any kind) is the way it seems to take on a life of its own, during the creative process (and certainly, after it’s completed as well.) I recently completed a mask that I had started a few years ago, then set aside. Sometimes my life moves at such a pace that it’s hard to keep up with my creative work. I’m sure many of you can relate.

I get inspired; I begin working with the inspiration; I get interrupted; (kids, pets, life…) and my attention is demanded in another area. Life keeps moving. Fast. Times passes. Inspiration comes; I begin…you get the idea.

Sometimes I hit a mysterious point where I suddenly need to complete all open projects, or release them (into the ethers with fire, or into the earth for decomposition) in a decisive, yet ceremonial way. I’m in that phase again.

Yet, at the same time, it often seems that a piece of art is a mysteriously living thing that has its own timeline. Such was the case with this mask.

IMG_2315I first made the life cast in 2012 when I was teaching an art therapy meets depth psychology class at Sonoma State. I had gotten as far as collaging and painting it, but then wasn’t sure what next. Is it done?

I knew from experience it would “tell me” in its own sweet time. And finally it did.

This early spring I was sitting in my studio and there sat the mask, on a shelf, beckoning to me, “It’s time!”

I started that evening, just moving with impulses and intuition, grabbing materials and the vision appeared and unfolded as if by magic. I worked obsessively late into the night and completed it in less than a day. When it’s time, it’s time 🙂

20150226_194131I have some insights already into why now. It’s come to completion in perfect timing and represents, in its own ceremonial way, another transition connected to my work as a teacher. More to come….

I’m always creating, encountering,  and  am on the lookout for new ways and tools to make plenty of open time and space in my life for pure, improvisational creativity.

I’d love to hear how you or other busy creatives you know are able to keep creative time a priority while balancing the demands of modern life, so drop me a line below.

Here’s to making time for creative play!


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