Change is Here – We Get to Choose What it Looks Like

blurred_lightsChange is upon us all. Like it or not. The world is changing and we must change with it. That’s an unavoidable given. However, we can exercise free will and choose what and who we change into and how we co-create our world. The world is changing and we all have the chance to shape the direction and outcome personally and collectively.


We’re in a massive global transition, which is forcing personal transformation. While change can be scary, and even dangerous if not handled properly, it’s also where possibilities lie.  Times of transition contain potential beyond our wildest dreams.


cars-at-nightWe’ve reached a tipping point. It’s been building, (and seen by those with the eyes to see), since before my time. That’s the truth. It’s high time to look, see, and tell the truth about what is seen (ala Maria Nemeth).  I see a planet on the edge of crisis, a human race in transition, communities in redefinition, individuals in breakdowns and breakthroughs. I also see healing, generosity, and incredible strength and resilience all around me.


In the work I do, I see what I would call spiritual crises, existential crises and identity crises taking place. Souls at varying degrees of feeling lost or uncertain, trying to find their way forward. We’re all trying to find our way forward and the truth is, no one knows where any of this is heading. It’s unfolding moment by moment.


Being fully present in the moment really is the key to connecting to soul guidance, engaging free will and choosing how and where to show up. Moment by moment.


lighthouseFrom what I can see, each person’s *job* is to initiate into Soul, to transform into a state where Soul is *boss* and ego is a faithful (and well-treated) *assistant*.  Peeps have been saying this for a long time –and they’re right. Soul connected to Spirit, guiding ego is where it’s at.


This is it. This is the *secret*. This is *spiritual mastery*. Ego in service to a guiding force – deep soul conjoined with divine spark, inhabiting a physical body. Embodied spirit. Pure and absolute presence. Conscious awareness in the present moment (ala Jeddha Mali). Tapping into the *field*and becoming one with it. Being a spirit in the material world (ala Sting).


meteor-showerIn Jungian terms it’s about aligning ego with Self -without identification. Identification leads to inflation. True embodied spirit is not attached to ego identity or the physical body. It respects, loves, appreciates and honors them. Without attachment.


This is what I’ve learned. This is what I see.  This is the truth as I know it. And all the tools that I work with and teach are the things that have helped me come into this alignment (which is not static, but a dynamic equilibrium that I must continually attend to – it’s an ever-changing state of being, not a fixed destination).


This is what’s on my mind during this lunar eclipse…The world is changing and we must change with it. In that we have no say. But we do have the free will to choose what and who we change into and how we help co-create our world. The world is changing and we all have the chance to shape the direction and outcome, personally and collectively.

Potential abounds when we step into conscious, intentional change.

Peace and blessings on your journey through these changing times!

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